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Healthy Habits for Truck Drivers

Unlike any other profession, truck drivers have a very different work-life balance. They spent most of their life time behind the wheels. Over the long trips, while sheering across the highways their truck is their home and all their schedules would be according to it.
The urge to complete the trips as soon as possible to go home always stir them up to evade from healthy driving habits. As a result, it leads them to serious physical and mental troubles and makesthem more vulnerable overtime.
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However, keeping healthy habits not only benefit your present life but also your future days.
Let’s see how truck drives can lead a healthy habit.
1. Timely and Healthy Food
If we ask a truck driver whether they are having food properly or not? They may answer they are, but not at the right time intervals. Also, not the healthy food.
The very schedule that most of the truck drivers are skipping for saving the hours is their food time. Plus, fat snacks are usual trends among truck drivers are while driving.
Over the weeks long trips it’s not possible to take food from the home and even self-cooking as well. And more of the time drivers have to choose packet food and restaurant meals.
This may cause serious health issues such as Obesity, Heart diseases, Hypertension, Diabetes, Acidity etc. However, limiting a few tastes and replacing another few platters can help a lot to manage your health efficiently.
Try these tips to starta healthy habit.
- Drink a lot of water, but avoid artificial sugar soda and alcohol.
- Add fruit juice instead of packed bottle drinks.
- Replace sugar bars, candies and chips with fresh fruits, dry fruits.
- Add salads in your menus and try grills over fries.
- Grab some edible cut veggies, spinach and lettuce.
2. Rest and Sleep
Rest is an essential factor for everyone and drivers need it most.
During the long-hauling and daily trips they may require to steers for a lot of hours at a stretch. Further, they might be driving across deserted topographies where no place can find to get some rest. Also, some drivers neglect their heavy eyes to finish up the trip quicker.
This is an unhealthy practice and cause horrible unexpected consequences later. In addition, lack of sleep cause driver fatigue that incur fatal accidents over the trip.
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- Always find proper time to take rest during long trips.
- Carry adequate sleeper mattress, blankets and pillows.
- Regardless of schedules, take enough rest when it is needed.
- Keep essential measures to fight weather change (Heater, sweaters, etc.).
- White noise machines can help to get rid of outside sounds.
3. Daily Exercise
For truck drivers’ daily workout may sounds insanely impossible at all. It’s quite impossible to leave the truck and go for a long jog or finding a gym.
However, physical labor involved in driving is less. Moreover, having protein rich snacks and meals make drivers fatter and subsequently knock down the health of drivers.
Exploiting all the possible modes of workout is the best solution to fend off ill-health.
Here we found few effective exercise tips to give a go with in the limited time and area.
- Try Shoulder stretch and hand stretch to get rid of muscle cramping and stiffness.
- Jog around the truck parking yard, this will help to refresh the whole body.
- A few seconds for a few back bends helps to decompress your spine.
- Front bends with at least a 5 repetition helps to increase the blood circulation.
- Knees up are brilliant exercise to strengthen and stretch the pelvis.
- A number of neck- stretches releases the tension from your neck and shoulders.
4. Heal the mind
Trips that stretch to weeks make life monotonous more often and cloud the mind of drivers. This state of mind may lead them to absent minded and avert their attention form driving.
Hence, finding few moments to spend to refresh our mind is high recommended for a better and healthy life. The things that inspires and engage your mind with fresh thoughts helps a lot to fend off the bleakness of work.
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It may be a book, a piece of music, a call to family or a couple of snaps of places you are steering around. Try to engage your mind and body to that, it helps really a lot.
The life of a vehicle driver is much complicated and demanding. The prospects of risk are high on each ride. Preparing ourselves to confront any challenge is the best way to being healthy in personal life and career.
Have a happy ride.