Cost Optimization is a crucial part of Fleet Management. It helps reduce unnecessary expenses and saves valuable time for Transport managers. Irrespective of your fleet size, there is always scope for cost optimization, albeit in varying degrees.
Optimisation of your fleet takes place in three steps
Identifying your fleet’s cost
Knowing how to save cost
Our recommendation to optimize fleet operations
Are You ready to enjoy the benefits of Fleet Optimisation ?
We use advanced AI to provide you with 3 unparalleled Optimization solutions - Auto Optimization, Auto Routing and Smart Prediction.

Auto Optimization
The smart prediction feature looks at data and makes intelligent suggestions including vehicle changing to improve your fleet operations.
Smart Routing
The smart prediction feature looks at data and makes intelligent suggestions including vehicle changing to improve your fleet operations.

Smart Prediction
The smart prediction feature looks at data and makes intelligent suggestions including vehicle changing to improve your fleet operations.
Here are couple of examples
Example 1
Consider 10 cars are running in the same route without the transport manager realising it. The system will suggest you to run 1 bus instead of the 10 cars.
Example 2
If a vehicle runs through traffic congested area, the Smart Prediction will suggest considering an alternate route.